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Rachna Nath

AZ, United States (US) / Pacific Standard Time

Why Join Our UN SDG Project?


What is our greatest hope for building a future on this planet that is healthy, happy and peaceful? A future where starvation, poverty and suffering are a memory?

The youth of today are our greatest hope for a future that we all want. As an educator, I see this every day in my students’ vision of the future and desire to pursue careers that make a difference in our world. My students are learning that they can make a positive impact in private sector careers, not just through public service, philanthropy or activism. By joining this project, I can amplify my efforts to engage corporations in cultivating today’s young minds to make a difference.

If tapping into the power of our youth interests you as well, I invite you to check out my series of articles, and engage young people in creating A WORLD WE ALL WANT!


Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

My Latest Article